Hi there, I'm Mahdi.

I'm a curious and passionate software developer with a knack for problem-solving. Watch out fellas, Tab user here not Spaces.mxhdiqaim


MERN, Redux

Basevel E-Commerce

Basevel is an e-commerce that allow you to shop items online.


Pokémon Game

Pokémon is a role-playing game based around building a small team of monsters to battle other monsters in a quest to become the best


FED-Form Validation

A simple form with validated Input, Name Validation, Email & Password and finally Select Validation

React, Context API

Github Finder

Using Github API to fetch Github user and there details, also Navigating to there profile using React Router


Quick Huddle Landing

Frontend Mentor - Huddle landing page with single introductory section

Javascript, AJAX


Search for a Location with Google Maps API and Places API


The Funny Side of Programming

Programming can be a serious business, but that doesn't mean it can't be funny. A little humour can go a long way in making the job more enjoyable...

CSS methodologies for web designers

Before we get going, let us know what is CSS methodologies. A CSS methodology is a set of standards for writing modular, reusable, and scalable code...

React Native Stack Navigations

What is Stack Navigation? If you come from a web development background, then it is very easy for you to grasp what is Stack Navigations...

Adding TypeScript to existing ReactJS application

You already have running React app, and wanted to add TypeScript to it, Must of the cases, there is a high possibility of your app to break...

Adding/upgrading tailwind CSS to v3.0 to existing ReactJS application

You already have React app up and running for some reason you wish to add tailwind to it or upgrade the version of tailwind, don't worry, I got you covered...

Designed by Nicolas Meuzard.